ISTE Standards for Students

FUNecole® earned the Seal of Alignment for ISTE Standards for Students

The FUNecole® successfully underwent the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Seal of Alignment review for Proficiency. Reviewers determined this resource facilitates the implementation of the ISTE Standards for Students by providing a variety of activities that integrate key applications, programs, and problems through authentic and engaging learning activities.

iste digipro seal of alignment

“FUNecole® provides teachers with a seamless way to direct students to apply their knowledge of critical software programs and web applications in unique activities focused on developing social and emotional skills. Students are provided with scenarios that reflect real-world, authentic, age-appropriate issues, then use a wide variety of tools and strategies to communicate their opinions, arguments, and reflections.”

ISTE Seal of Alignment Review Findings Report
empowered learner

Empowered Learner

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digital citizen

Digital Citizen

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Knowledge Constructor

Knowledge Constructor

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Inovative Designer

Innovative Designer

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Computational thinker

Computational Thinker

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creative communicator

Creative Communicator

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