UK National Curriculum - Key Stage 1

Computer Science

  • Understand algorithms.
  • Create and debug simple programs.
  • Use logical reasoning to predict program behavior.

FUNecole® CS themes and projects include algorithm design, turtle graphics, block programming and robotics.

computer science

Information Technology

  • Use technology purposefully to create, combine, organize, store, retrieve, manipulate and search digital content.

FUNecole® ICT themes and projects combine word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, communication, operating systems, storage, augmented reality and presentation/multimedia/video apps.

information technology

Digital Literacy

  • Use technology and the Internet safely and respectfully.
  • Protect personal information.
  • Recognise common uses of IT beyond school.

FUNecole® DL themes include searching in the Internet, understanding of risks, privacy issues, respecting others and recognising uses of IT at home, school and workplace.

information technology

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