Entrerpreneurship in Europe - Network of Female Ambassadors

On 8 December 2010 Mrs. Sabine Laruelle, Minister for SMEs and the Self-employed, and the European Commission organised an event focusing on female entrepreneurship in Europe. Female Ambassadors from all European Union Member States attended this event, including Mrs Chryso Christodoulou, FUNecole® Founder.

Venue: Parc du Cinquantenaince 10 / Brussels, Belgium
Dates: 8 December 2010

Symposium: Female enterpreneurship in Europe / Best Practices with respect to the reconciliation of private and professional life
The European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

On 8 December 2010 Mrs. Sabine Laruelle, Minister for SMEs and the Self-employed, and the European Commission
organised an event focusing on female entrepreneurship in Europe. Female Ambassadors from all European Union
Member States attended this event, including Mrs Chryso Christodoulou, FUNecole® Founder.

Based on the recommendations of the European Commission's Small Business Act to promote entrepreneurship among
women, the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors will officially expand to 10 new European
states. By testifying to their experience in schools, at universities and in the media, these Ambassadors will inspire
women who wish to have an independent career. On 8 December 2010, the Belgian Presidency of the European Union
and the Commission organised a symposium which was followed by a gala evening during which HRH Princess Mathilde
of Belgium ­ in the presence of European Commissioner Antonio Tajani and Mrs. Sabine Laruelle, Minister for SMEs and
the Self-employed ­ presented the diplomas tothe newly appointed ambassadors.

The symposium focused on two main topics:

Female entrepreneurship and the best practices in Europe regarding the reconciliation of private and
professional life. After the presentation of the study performed by Mrs. Annie Cornet, Professor at Liège
University, six women entrepreneurs shared their experiences and career paths.

The European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors: this network was launched in October 2009
during the Swedish Presidency and is intended to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit among women. By giving
testimony to their experiences in schools, at universities and in the media, these Ambassadors become a source
of inspiration for other women... The Commission will officially expand this network to ten new European


The debates were followed by a gala evening in the presence of Princess Mathilde of Belgium, Mrs Sabine Laruelle and
the European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, Antonio Tajani, who presented the diplomas to the newfemale
Ambassadors of European entrepreneurship.