Inspire ICT Conference - Greek Pilots Evaluation - May 2010 ,
29 May 2010, Philippion Hotel / Thessaloniki

Digipro Computer Consultants Ltd and Ellinogermaniki Agogi hosted the conference for the INSPIRE ICT Programme which is funded by the European Union through the Leonardo Da Vinci programme, May 29 2010

Digipro Computer Consultants Ltd and Ellinogermaniki Agogi hosted the conference for the INSPIRE ICT Programme
which is funded by the European Union through the Leonardo Da Vinci programme.

Venue: Philippion Hotel, Thessaloniki
Date: 29/05/2010

The conference involved the presentation and evaluation of FUNecole® Curriculum implementation in Greek pilot

Conference Presentations:

Greek Pilot Schools:

  1. Ellinogermaniki Agogi
  2. Mandoulides Schools
  3. Protypa Ekpaideutiria Thessalonikis
  4. Anatolia Elementary School
  5. Ellhniko Kollegio Thessalonikis