Inspire ICT Conference-Romanian Pilots Evaluation - Romania June 2010

Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj hosted the conference for the INSPIRE ICT Programme which is funded by the European Union through the Leonardo Da Vinci programme , June 04 2010

Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj hosted the conference for the INSPIRE ICT Programme which is funded by the European
Union through the Leonardo Da Vinci programme.

Venue: International School of Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
Date: 04/06/2010
Time: 10:00 am

The conference involved the presentation and evaluation of FUNecole® Curriculum implementation in Romanian pilot

View brochure (Romanian language)

Conference Presentations:

Romanian Pilot Schools:

  1. International School of Cluj
  2. Ioan Bob School
  3. Horea School
  4. Gheorghe Sincai High School
  5. Constantin Brancusi