Inspiring and Enabling the 21st Century Creative Learning and Innovative Teaching with ICT 2013

How should education be structured to meet the needs of students in this 21st century world? How do we now define “School”, “Teacher” “Student” and "Curriculum"? Schools in the 21st century will be laced with a project-based curriculum for life aimed at engaging students in addressing real-world problems, issues important to humanity, and questions that matter.

This is a dramatic departure from the factory-model education of the past. It is abandonment, finally, of textbook-driven, teacher-centered, paper and pencil schooling. It means a new way of understanding the concept of "knowledge", a new definition of the "educated person". A new way of designing and delivering the curriculum is required. How can Cyprus continue to compete and survive in a global economy if the entering workforce is made up of high
school graduates who lack the new skills they need, and of university graduates who are mostly "adequate" rather than "excellent"?Cypriot educational institutions both at primary and secondary levels need to face the challenge of reforming curricula and instruction. All educational stakeholders recognize that it is time for tremendous improvements for in the readiness of new workforce entrants. "Excellence" is the standard for global competitiveness. Educational systems in Cyprus need to develop strategies that connect with students in the 21st century classrooms and workplaces.

By the end of this workshop participants will be in a position to: •    Promote the usage of new web-based comprehensive instruction practices that successfully to infuse technology
into the 21st century school curricula
•     Demonstrate how ICT facilitates new forms of thinking and learning that require the cultivation of the different and wide ranging skills necessary for the 21st century future citizens. •    Show how to prepare learners for the technology-rich and culturally-diverse modern societies. •    Re-define of the role of the teacher who has to make room for other types of learning (e.g. self learning, peer learning, curiosity driven learning, experiential learning that lead students to the learning to learn paradigm. •    Learn how to implement comprehensive approaches in context–based learning, inquiry-based techniques and innovative student centric pedagogical practices. •    Present best practice Learning Environments both for primary and secondary levels that utilize web-based learning resources that support and enhance the 21st century educational movement.