2011 Open Classroom Conference, October 27-29 ,
Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens, Greece

The 21st century movement calls for critical thinking, creative flexible ethical problem solving, and the development of positive interpersonal relational relationships, October 27-29th 2011.

Inclusive excellence innovative technologies and transformed schools as autonomous learning organisations

Thursday, 03 November 2011, 10:45

FUNecole®: Inspiring Learning Innovative
Teaching with ICT.

Chryso Christodoulou, Digipro Computer Consultants Ltd, Cyprus
Ellinogermaniki Agogi,
Athens, Greece
27-29 October 2011

The 21st century movement calls for critical thinking, creative flexible ethical
problem solving, and the development of positive interpersonal relational
relationships. "Excellence" is the standard for global competitiveness and EU
needs to face this challenge by reforming school curricula and instruction. Education instruction. Education institutions
need to depart from the factory-model of the past and move towards student-centred practices.

This workshop will demostrate how FUNecole® Creative Learning Environment supports innovative teaching and
creative learning approaches that successfully integrate technology into today's classrooms from the primary school