FUNecole® earns Seal of Alignment for ISTE Standards for Students at the Proficiency level.

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Following an extensive review conducted by trained ISTE Seal of Alignment reviewers, we are proud to announce that FUNecole® has been awarded the Seal of Alignment for ISTE Standards for Students at the Proficiency level.

Review Findings Summary

ISTE describes FUNecole® as “a comprehensive learning platform for primary and elementary grade students to teach important social-emotional skills for living in the 21st century”, with “digital learning concepts and tools employed to teach these concepts from year one to year six”.


ISTE reviewers reported that the FUNecole® curriculum aligns to the following indicators of the ISTE Standards for Students:

  1. Empowered Learner
    By allowing students to set goals, to reflect on their learning, for giving them choices to demonstrate new learning, and for scaffolding the application of technology operations (3/4).
  2. Knowledge Constructor
    For including research activities, using a variety of media sources to construct artefacts, and the curriculum focus on real-world questions and issues (3/4).
  3. Innovative Designer
    By challenging students to use a variety of design methods, select from recommended tools options, design and test with concept mapping and flowcharts, and working with open-ended problems (4/4).
  4. Computational Thinker
    For allowing students formulate and define problem-related questions, use a variety of tools to explore solutions and break down problems into parts, and facilitating the development of algorithmic thinking (3/4)
  5. Creative Communicator
    By allowing students to created original work that demonstrates new learning in each activity, choosing appropriate tools or strategies, communicating complex ideas, and share artefacts with peers and others (4/4).
  6. Global Collaborator
    For engaging students in collaborative teams or pairs in the majority of activities and allowing students to explore local and global issues through connected themes (2/4).

Review Findings Report Conclusion

“FUNecole® provides teachers with a seamless way to direct students to apply their knowledge of critical software programs and web applications in unique activities focused on developing social and emotional skills. Students are provided with scenarios that reflect real-world, authentic, age-appropriate issues, then use a wide variety of tools and strategies to communicate their opinions, arguments, and reflections.

FUNecole® offers a unique platform that facilitates the implementation of the ISTE Standards for Students by providing a variety of activities that integrate key applications, programs, and problems. While the focus of FUNecole® in on the learning themes, FUNecole® successfully embeds technology strategies as an integral part of the learning experience.

The integrated approach of providing just-in-time tutorials on many popular software applications, while focusing primarily on the learning themes, is an effective way for teachers to integrate technology in a supported and guided process.”

About ISTE & ISTE Seal of Alignment

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the premier non-profit membership organization serving educators and education leaders. ISTE is committed to empowering connected learners in a connected world and serves more than 100,000 education stakeholders throughout the world.

Resources and products designed with the ISTE Standards in mind are choosing to demonstrate their commitment to support critical digital age learning skills and knowledge. By addressing the ISTE Standards and earning a Seal of Alignment, a solution is shown to consciously, purposefully and meaningfully support best practices for digital age teaching and learning.

By earning a Seal of Alignment, ISTE verifies that this product:

  • Promotes critical technology skills
  • Supports the use of technology in appropriate ways
  • Contributes to the pedagogically robust use of technology for teaching and learning
  • Aligns to the ISTE Standards in specific ways as described in the review finding report
» Find out how FUNecole® supports primary and elementary schools to deliver a unique 21st century digital literacy curriculum to their students