American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief

To address the economic fallout from COVID-19 the United States Congress has passed three legislative acts over the past year.

CARES ACT - March 2020 CRRSA ACT - December 2020 ARP ACT March 2021
$30.75 billion (to the Education Stabilization Fund) $81.9 billion (to the Education Stabilization Fund) $168.1 billion (to the Education Stabilization Fund)
$13.2 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund $54.3 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund II $122.8 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund III

Education Stabilization Fund (ESF)

The money earmarked for education is first categorized under the large umbrella of the Education Stabilization Fund (ESF). A portion of the ESF money is then purposely designated for three different types of grants. The ESSER Funds are primarily what applies to K–12 public schools and they represent an unparalleled investment in American education. Together, these three legislative acts comprise a historic investment into American schools, with billions of dollars allocated for education.

District leaders will be faced with many critical funding decisions that could impact the long-term success of their schools and student achievement. The American Rescue Plan for Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) $122 billion fund is a major push to re-open the nation’s public, charter and private schools.

Funding information listed here, indicates the consensus being on efforts to make schools safe, while also addressing learning loss, mental health and SEL needs, fostering educational equity and support, as well as efforts to retain teachers and technology. This guide will help district and school leaders understand the allowances of the ARP funds, while giving insight for prioritizing spending options that will make the biggest impact now and create sustainable futures. A detailed comparison of how school activities relate to each round of stimulus funding can be found in District Administration.

esser funds

Limitation of learning loss

limitation of learning loss

The American Rescue Plan has allocated $7 billion for schools to purchase technology, like devices and Wi-Fi connectivity, for students.

According to the NEA, this is the single largest one-time investment in the Federal Communications Commission’s E-rate program specifically to help schools ensure all K-12 students have an internet connection or a device adequate for distance learning at home. The federal bill requires that at least 5 percent of ESSER funds be reserved for activities to promote learning recovery.

How FUNecole® can help

At FUNecole® we believe all schools should have access to great tools that can promote better learning. FUNecole® is not just used during the school day but also during the summer months, after school and in other extended learning programmes

1. Comprehensive management tool for staff

FUNecole® offers comprehensive classroom management tools to focus on digital learning and help teachers fully encourage and assist students in hybrid classrooms. Working across all operating systems FUNecole® can be used on both school-owned or student-owned devices to ensure education continuity and greater collaboration knowing teachers will have an even more decisive role in appraising students emotionally, socially as well as academically.

FUNecole® can help schools optimize a student’s learning environment to help teachers quickly identify students who need help, get them back on track and provide personalized assistance. These tools can help minimize distractions so students can swiftly recover from learning loss experienced during the pandemic.

2. Early access

FUNecole ® is compatible and is accessible anywhere, anytime and on any device, with an internet connection with material safely through the FUNecole® learning platform.

3. Holistic approach

The FUNecole® dynamic eLearning solution provides elementary school students (K-6) a systemic multidisciplinary holistic learning environment empowering them to face the global challenges in education and for their future productive lives. The FUNecole® project based themed lessons incorporate the STREAMS (Science, Technology, Reading & Writing, Engineer, Arts, Math and Social Sciences), Digital Literacy, Computer Science/coding, 21st Century Skills and Social Emotional Learning, that align to international curricula

The next step

For more information on how FUNecole® can help your school reopen safely, schedule your own personalized demo today and free trial long enough to experience the benefits.

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