FUNecole® Students Become

Computational thinkers and problem-solvers

Students develop critical and abstract thinking while tackling real-world problems.

Relentless communicators and collaborators

Students work together to achieve common goals and learn how to communicate effectively with different audiences.

Researchers and information scientists

Students investigate hypotheses, evaluate information from multiple sources, and analyse data to make educated decisions.

Ethical digital leaders

Students learn how to stay safe online, protect the privacy of others, and respect intellectual property.

Digital content masters

Students combine different applications and technology tools to create, organise, store, and retrieve variety of digital content.

Socially responsible citizens

Students acknowledge diversity, practice empathy, and display accountability across global, community, civic, and environmental perspectives.

The FUNecole® Solution Inspires Students to:

  • Participate in versatile activities and have ownership of their learning.
  • Learn to explore deeper and publish for diverse audiences.
  • Connect, collaborate, and critically analyse information.
  • Create media objects and write in multiple modes.
  • Are empowered to excel when achieving objectives.
Episode 3 Scene 1 from the FUNecole® Green Awareness Year 1

FUNecole® Engages Students With

Every “digital native” should be confident to produce digital content. FUNecole® students develop their own digital stories, store them on the platform and proudly share them with their teachers, peers and parents.

Student Digital Portfolios

Aside from fun, hands-on games are used to enhance learning by helping students to move from abstract to practical understanding. FUNecole® lesson activities incorporate interactive games and role-playing designed to immerse students in learning concepts and outcomes

FUNecole® lessons enable students to investigate and respond to real-world scenarios (project-based learning) arising from global, environmental, entrepreneurial and civic literacy themes. Formative assessments deployed during the lessons increase their interaction level and provide real-time feedback to their teachers. FUNecole® students are “digital producers”, as they create, curate, store and share their content through their “digital portfolios”.

yellow lesson
funecole blue lesson
student engangement

The FUNecole® Diverse Family of Cartoons

Blending the FUNecole® cartoons and learning styles

Throughout the FUNecole® 6-year curriculum, a family of cartoon characters accompanies students. The FUNecole® characters represent different thinking natures and personality styles with identifiable traits to each student. Hence, through association, students acquire inspiration reinforced by their personal involvement in FUN stories, games and activities.

funecole cartoons

The "Step by Step" Series

At FUNecole® we lead the way and provide high quality elective resources.

FUNecole® students are provided with supplementary hard-copy portfolio books called the ‘Step-by-Step’ series. The books accompany each lesson, facilitating engagement, uncovering valuable hints & tips and provides creative space for student project results, that serve as a point of reference and reflection

Each book set includes 3 books per colour module.

The price of the books is based on a custom quotation (excluding shipping costs and taxes)

green year 1
The FUNecole® Green Awareness Year™
red year 2
The FUNecole® Red Interest Year™
yellow year 3
The FUNecole® Yellow Exploring Year™
blue year 4
The FUNecole® Blue Design Year™
orange year 5
The FUNecole® Orange Development Year™
white year 6
The FUNecole® White Sharing Year™

Project Gallery

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